Monday, November 24, 2008

Salahuddin dengar sendiri BTN tuduh Presiden PAS pengkhianat

From Malaysia Today
Original article in Harakah here
Salahuddin dengar sendiri BTN tuduh Presiden PAS pengkhianat

Posted by kasee
Tuesday, 11 November 2008 15:18

Abdul Aziz Mustafa, Harakah

Ketua Pemuda PAS, Salahuddin Ayub mendedahkan beliau mendengar sendiri penceramah dalam latihan Biro Tatanegara (BTN) memfitnahkan Presiden PAS, Datuk Seri Tuan Guru Haji Abdul Hadi Awang sebagai anasir subversif dan pengkhianat negara.

"Ketika sedang berlangsung salah satu ceramah semasa latihan tersebut, salah seorang pesertanya diam-diam menelefon saya dengan telefon mudah alihnya dan membiarkan talian tidak dimatikan untuk membolehkan saya mendengar ceramah itu.

"Saya mendengar sendiri penceramahnya menuduh Tuan Guru, (Datuk Seri) Anwar (Ibrahim) dan (Lim) Kit Siang sebagai sebagai anasir subversif dan pengkhianat negara," kata beliau.
Baru-baru ini ketika berucap dalam Dewan Rakyat, Ahli Parlimen Kubang Kerian itu mengulangi pendedahan mengenai perkara itu setelah beberapa kali mendedahkannya.

"Nama Yang Berhormat Permatang Pauh (Anwar), nama Yang Berhormat Ipoh Timur (Lim), nama Yang Berhormat Marang (Tuan Guru Presiden PAS), nama saya dianggap sebagai subversif, pengkhianat negara. Orang merbahaya kepada negara.

"Jadi saya tidak faham mengapa ini boleh berlaku di samping fakta-fakta yang lain kalau saya dedahkan tentang ada modul yang mengapi-apikan perkauman dalam negara kita ini. Inikah dia negara yang kita hendak bina?" kata Salahuddin.

Beliau mengingatkan, negara ini akan runtuh jika isu-isu perkauman terus diapi-apikan termasuk di dalam BTN.

"Dalam diri saya ini Tuan Pengerusi separuh Cina separuh Melayu. Bangsa apa saya ini? Yang Berhormat Pokok Sena (Mahfuz Omar) bapa Pakistan, mak Melayu.

"Jadi kalau kita hendak bermain di atas premis ini kita mengambil BTN ini untuk tujuan ini, saya rasa negara kita akan runtuh.

"Negara kita akan hancur. Negara kita akan menghadapi suatu zaman yang cukup gelap. Kita mereput, kita rotten to the core," katanya. Ketika itu, beberapa ahli Parlimen menyampuk dengan kata-kata "hapuskan!" dan "bubarkan (BTN)!".

Friday, September 5, 2008

Any Najib apology for the rank racism of BTN indoctrination courses?

Any Najib apology for the rank racism of BTN indoctrination courses?
It is not just Bukit Bendera Umno division chief Datuk Ahmad Ismail who is guilty of rank racism with his derogatory, offensive, insensitive and chauvinistic reference to Malaysian Chinese as “pendatang”, “penumpang” and untrustworthy Malaysians, the Biro Tata Negara (BTN) also purveys such extremism and un-Malaysian prejudices and communal poison.

Deputy Prime Minister and Deputy Umno President Datuk Seri Najib Razak has apologised on behalf of Ahmad Ismail to non-Malays “if it caused unhappiness”.

Is Najib next to apologise for the rank racism of BTN in purveying similar communal poison in its indoctrination courses?

I have received the following letter from an outraged parent at the trauma his daughter underwent in one such BTN indoctrination course for JPA scholars.

The BTN’s racist indoctrination course is a great disservice to both Malay and non-Malay JPA scholars as well as to Malaysian nation-building, the Merdeka social contract, the Malaysia Agreement, Rukunegara, Vision 2020 and Bangsa Malaysia.

It is time that the BTN’s racist indoctrination courses be exposed and all true Malaysians, both Malay and non-Malay, are invited to expose such extremist excesses and communal poison in BTN indoctrination courses as a prelude for its total revamp if not abolition!

BTN’s racist and divisive indoctrination courses

Now that Najib has apologised to non-Malays for Ahmad’s statement, I would like to bring to the attention of Najib the pain endured by the young non-Malay JPA scholars who are required to go through a five-day Biro Tatanegara programme at certain camps in the country. To be fair, many moderate Malay students too cried and were hurt by some racist comments made by the instructors.

As part of the course, which is mandatory before they are sent overseas, all non-Malays are segrgated and given lectures on the history of the country and how the immigration of the Chinese and Indians had taken place. And finally how the Chinese and Indians were given citizenship. The Malays too had their own similar sessions.

The instructors blatantly told them that they should not question the rights and privileges of the Malays as the non-Malays should be thankful that they were given citizenship status and a place to stay on their soil. My daughter together with the other non-Malay students was shocked and went back to their dormitories depressed. And to the Malay students, the instructors told them to be aware of this fact and not to mix too freely with the non-Malays.

A Malay friend of my daughter came back crying to the dormitory saying that she could not take the racist position taken by the government authority. My daughter then began questioning the bumiputra policy and was disgusted with such blatant indoctrination. This incident has also made the students harbour anger and resentment. Their fear for the authorities and losing their scholarships made them keep their cool. I am not exaggerating here - ask all the JPA students to write in anonymously and you will know the truth.

These are young minds being polluted with racism. Tens of thousands of students have gone through this programme and more will be attending it in the future. So can you blame them when they exhibit their racist tendencies when in authority? How could the JPA allow such a syllabus for the cream of the nation, who will one day be entrusted to implement government policies fairly?

So, will Najib take responsibility for the racist syllabus and subsequently the racist remarks and apologise to the tens of thousands of students and parents who were hurt by such hurtful remarks? Of course knowing the BN government, it will deny this. Believe me, this is the ABSOLUTE truth.

My call to Najib is to immediately probe into this claim with the help of a multi-racial team of officers from Suhakam BUT please maintain the anonymity of the young children who have everything to lose. This blatant racism practised and preached by the Barisan Nasional government must stop immediately.

From an outraged Malaysian parent

Kit Siang: Disband Biro Tatanegara

(The Malaysian Insider) Veteran DAP leader Lim Kit Siang called on Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to disband the Biro Tatanegara (BTN) for undermining national unity.

"In his 51st National Day message last Saturday, Abdullah said united citizens were a bulwark against any threat, either from within or outside the country.

"He said solidarity was the cornerstone of the country's political stability, social harmony and economic competitiveness," said Lim in a media statement today.

The Ipoh Timur MP faulted Abdullah for retaining the BTN, an agency within his own department, eventhough he claimed it undermined national unity.

"The BTN had been assaulting the national 'bulwark' and chipping away the Malaysian 'cornerstone' in the past quarter of a century, with its unrelenting and unashamed purveying of racist poison among government servants, PTD scholars, university students and youths — using public funds running at RM76.3 million last year and RM72 million next year — to destroy the public policy of creating a Bangsa Malaysia out of the diverse peoples of Malaysia," he said.

Lim also lashed out at the rest of Abdullah's administration and the leaders of the Barisan Nasional coalition and demanded that they make clear their stand regarding this matter.

He described the BTN as "a Trojan Horse in the Prime Minister's Department which undermines and subverts the Prime Minister’s National Day message of national unity and solidarity and Vision 2020 objective of Bangsa Malaysia."

Yesterday, Lim had commented in his website ( on the case of a parent whose daughter was allegedly subjected to racist remarks while attending a BTN indoctrination course for Public Service Department (PSD) scholars.

The entry provoked a flurry of responses from other equally outraged parents, whose children had faced similar situations.

"As the BTN is under the direct jurisdiction of the Prime Minister, Abdullah should explain why BTN is allowed to conduct such divisive and racist indoctrination courses, which are compulsory for JPA scholars and government officials but which are also held for selected university students and youths — like the BTN course in UiTM Shah Alam on July 6, 2008," said Lim.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

UMNO's Latest Psy-War Materials Exposed

Thursday, July 10, 2008
UMNO's Latest Psy-War Materials Exposed

(NOTE: This is an email i received from a reader exposing the latest brain washing tricks deployed by UMNO's apparatus called Biro Tatanegara(BTN). Mind you BTN is 100% funded by tax payer's money)

Biro Tatanegara. Does it ring a bell? Government propaganda or honest student development programme? For those who aren't aware of it, Biro Tatanegara or BTN for short is under the Jabatan Perdana Menteri and it has several modules which all public university students have to attend in the name of "Student Development". On the 6th of July 2008 in UiTM Shah Alam, there were three separate talks being held under BTN with the first one being titled "Pendidikan", second one titled "Ancaman Keselamatan Negara" and the third one titled, "Patriotisma". Smell anything funny yet? No? Read on. You won't even have to smell it after you are done reading this. It'll be stuffed down your throat.

I would like to only focus on the first speaker, Dr. Idris bin Md. Noor. He was supposed to talk about education as that was the title of his speech, but the content was far different. He first went on with the usual introductions but in less than a few minutes, he suddenly touched on the forum on the discussion of social contract in Malaysia that the BAR council organized. He criticized it with all his heart, saying no one should discuss about it as it is unquestionable. Fair enough, I thought at first. Freedom of speech right? But what if he suddenly accuses the "Malay" speaker in the forum, which I'm guessing is Farish A. Noor, as a traitor to the Malay race as a whole? And while he was browsing through his files on the laptop which was projected on the big screen, it was no surprise for me that I saw files entitled "Ketuanan Melayu". He also then went on about the Malay's obsession with magic and ghosts, he said that it is all wrong beliefs through the perspective of Islam because if they really could use magic and other dark arts for fighting, then they should kill Karpal Singh with it.

There are so many quotable sentences, if only I could remember it all. He even said, "Kalau ular dengan India depan mata, ketuk India dulu." He then started to become more impassioned in his speech towards the end, like someone campaigning for a political seat yet failed, and resorted to a multi-purpose hall with bumiputra students. He said so many atrocious things that I will list them down in point form.

-Explained how the Malays aren't racist but others are racist towards us.
-Bangsa Malaysia does not exist, neither does Malaysian Chinese and Indians, only in the strict Malay, Chinese and Indians. (Interestingly, behind a booklet provided to us, one of the objectives of the programme is to produce a -"Bangsa Malaysia". Obviously, he was ignorant).
-Bahasa Malaysia does not exist, it is Bahasa Melayu.
-Nothing wrong with waving the Keris.
-Bumiputra hanya 55% di Malaysia, give birth more people!
-The University and Colleges Act was partly made to ensure a Malay Vice-Chancellor in Universities which should be the way.
-Blogs are "berdosa" or sinful.
-Christians will not like Muslims.

But that isn't even the best part. The best part is, he showed a short film on the
dangers of Zionism and the illegal occupation of Palestine which was probably the only part of the speech I agreed with and I thought to myself this could be the only fact of the speech but surprise, surprise, at the end of the film, there was a montage of so-called Zionist supporters with the pictures of Anwar Ibrahim, Tian Chua, Teresa Kok, Hishamuddin Rais and Ezam Md. Nor. Then a question popped up in my head. Is Ezam still a Zionist supporter since he is in UMNO now? Does that mean the government has a Zionist supporter as well as the opposition? And expectedly, the speaker was being more anti-semitic than anti-zionist. He even explained how the Pakatan Rakyat ruled states are all going down the drain and he says, "this is what you get if you vote for the opposition!" He criticized Anwar Ibrahim and his colleagues so much along with Pakatan Rakyat while being completely oblivious towards Barisan Nasional's mistakes. As if they have perfect policies.

This was supposed to be a speech touching on education and look how it ended up. It did not even smell anything of education. It was a speech that was not meant for national unity at all. How could it be when you spread hate? I could only sit and ponder quietly while all this was happening. But the speech was not the saddest part. The saddest part was that the majority of students in the hall were cheering him on. I will type out part of the lyrics that were supplied to us, entitled, "Warisan".

Anak Kecil main api
Terbakar hatinya yang sepi
Air mata darah bercampur keringat
Bumi dipijak milik orang

Nenek moyang kaya raya
Tergadai seluruh harta benda
Akibat engketa sesamalah kita
Cinta lenyap di arus zaman ini

Indahnya bumi kita ini
Warisan berkurun lamanya
Hasil mengalir ke tangan yang lain
Pribumi merintih sendiri

Melayukan gagah di nusantara.

Who were those words referring to? Foreign powers or non-malays?

Perfect welcome to the new intake of University Students. Please spread this to others. People need to know.

I know you should.

written by A Worried Student,